The demo code is written in Java and located in app/src/main/java.
It applies the MVC pattern.
It firstly intends to provide call examples to the ardwloop API.
ardwloop.demo.model.DemoProgram implements the communication with the Arduino board.
That's the most important class to understand what the Demo program sends and receives from the Arduino board.
It implements the IArdwProgram interface, by particular the 2 core methods:
Any program using ardwloop should implement the IArdwProgram interface.
See source
ardwloop.demo.model.DemoModel is the model from the MVC pattern.
The most important is that it starts the Ardwloop threads in its
start() method, and that it forwards the necessary commands to its DemoProgram instance.
In addition, it does the optional stuff hereafter:
- it stores the ArdwloopModel that would enable to extract various information later on.
- it uses the ardwloop refresher to synchronize the DemoView refresh with the Arduino communication
ardwloop.demo.StartDemo.main() is where the program is started.